AWS data protection and backup service launches new features

Sep 08, 2023

AWS Backup has added support for managing backup notifications from the AWS User Notifications console. This feature helps users easily configure, monitor, and centrally manage notifications related to AWS Backup.

AWS bổ sung tính năng mới cho dịch vụ sao lưu và bảo vệ dữ liệu

Recently, AWS added new features to the AWS Backup service. This feature allows backup notifications to be managed from the AWS User Notifications console. It is known that AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service that makes it easy to centralize and automate data backup across AWS services in the cloud and on premises. This new feature launch makes it easier for users to centrally configure, monitor, and manage AWS Backup-related notifications.

Multi Cloud expert of CMC Telecom, AWS Premium Services partner in Vietnam, shared: “AWS User Notifications is an AWS service that allows users to centrally manage AWS settings and notifications. Additionally, this service helps users filter notifications in their accounts by service, aggregate multiple events into a single detailed notification, and provide links to relevant resource pages.

With this new version, users can view the progress of their backup, replication, and restore jobs from their notification center. This makes notification management simpler and allows users to move faster with their work tasks. Enterprise users can now centralize their AWS Backup notifications, such as Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge alerts, as well as AWS Support case updates. What’s more, businesses can set up multiple delivery channels, such as email, AWS Chatbot chat notifications, or AWS Console Mobile App push notifications to receive their AWS Backup notifications.

According to CMC Telecom experts, this new feature is available in the following Regions: US East (N Virginia, Ohio); US West (North California, Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong, Hyderabad, Jakarta, Melbourne, Mumbai, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo); Canada (Central); Europe (Frankfurt, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Zurich); Middle East (Bahrain, UAE) and South America (São Paulo).

AWS bổ sung tính năng mới cho dịch vụ sao lưu và bảo vệ dữ liệu
Currently, CMC Telecom is a senior service partner of AWS in Vietnam. This business has been cooperating with AWS to provide a range of services and solutions related to AWS Cloud for organizations in the fields of finance, banking, manufacturing, logistics, etc. Last August , CMC Telecom is certified as an AWS Migration Competency partner.